3rd Generation MALDI Ionization: The key to label-free MS-based, high-throughput, quantitative proteomics and epigenetics

Nov 06, 2012 (Tue) | 4:00 PM -5:30 PM
Li Ka Shing Center, Room 101 : Stanford, CA

Mass spectrometry (MS) has become indispensable for the analysis of protein mixtures and de-novo protein sequencing. However, imperfections of the ionization process remain imposing considerable limitations. Dr. Hieke will present a new technology and the horizons it opens: Since all peptides and proteins are reflected in spectra with their true abundance, protein levels can be accurately monitored over extended periods of time, thus enabling quantification of enzyme kinetics and cellular processes. The ultimate goal is to build a device which can monitor the expression levels of a very large number of proteins, but without using antibodies or isotoptic tags.

Department:  Structural Biology

Contact: Erez Podoly | NA | pode@stanford.edu


  • Andreas Hieke PhD