TRAM Symposium

Sep 09, 2024 (Mon) | 9:30 AM -4:00 AM
Li Ka Shing/Berg Hall : Stanford, CA

Join us for the TRAM Annual Symposium, a comprehensive event highlighting the latest advancements in translational medicine. This symposium will showcase the achievements and research from the TRAM Scholars' program, the M-TRAM (Master’s in TRAM) Students, and the ARTS (Advanced Research Training at Stanford) Scholars.

Department:  Translational Research and Applied Medicine

Contact: Laura Remillard | 408-221-7866 |


  • VISHVA DIXIT, PhD VP of Early Discovery Research Senior Fellow Genentech Inc.
  • NATHANAEL GRAY, PhD Prof of Chemical and Systems Biolo
  • GEORGE W. SLEDGE Jr, MD CMO and Exec. VP Caris Life Science

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