Wang & Bogyo Labs: Desmond Edwards, "Adaptive control of innate immunity by IgG Fc...." /Tulsi Upadhyay, “Covalent-fragment screening identifies selective inhibitors of multiple Staphylococcus...."

Feb 26, 2025 (Wed) | 12:30 PM -1:30 PM
Munzer Auditorium : Stanford, CA

Wang & Bogyo Labs: Desmond Edwards, "Adaptive control of innate immunity by IgG Fc sialylation"/Tulsi Upadhyay, “Covalent-fragment screening identifies selective inhibitors of multiple Staphylococcus aureus serine hydrolases important for biofilm formation and infection”

Department:  Microbiology & Immunology

Contact: Yen Chau | xxx |


  • Desmond Edwards Graduate Student, Wang Lab
  • Tulsi Upadhyay Postdoctoral Scholar, Bogyo Lab