Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences Community Series: "Transcending day and night: Effects of light exposure on sleepiness, sleep, and sleep quality" with Dr. Renske LokSep 26, 2023 (Tue) | 12:00 PM -1:00 PM
via Zoom
: Stanford , CA
Please join us for this month's Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences Community Series: "Transcending day and night: Effects of light exposure on sleepiness, sleep, and sleep quality" September 26, 2023 at 12pm PST Renske Lok, PhD POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR, PSYCHIATRY Zoom link: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/99173215155?pwd=RDlVemRocWNTOHpNVXhud3dkUG9IQT09 Department: Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Contact: Aysha Abraibesh | 6507393582 | aysha1@stanford.edu Presenter(s):